Because customers tend to purchase similar items in each order, the items that the customer has purchased in the last 6 orders are automatically added to the order on the right part of the screen
On the left part of the screen are your products organised in your product hierarchy or product tree structure. In addition items that are upsell opportunities are also shown
You can also use the search option near the top on the left side of the screen to search for an item
Adding an item to the Order
To add an item the customer has not previously purchased previously, find it on the left side of the screen and tap on it. The item will be added to the right side of the screen at the top of the list
Entering the Order quantity
You can use the + and – buttons on the right side of the screen to increase or decrease the order quantities. In addition you can tap in the quantity box which will display a keyboard to allow you to enter a quantity
If you have some credits to enter for the customer select the returns tab and add the item and quantity
Samples and Bonus
If you have free products that need to be added to the order select the Free tab and add the item and quantity. You will be asked to select the reason why the goods are free for the customer
Displays the last 6 order history for the customer
If promotions exist for the customer they are displayed in this tab
Product Details
If you perform a long tap on an item a product details screen is displayed. On the product details screen you can zoom on the photograph of the item and enter an order quantity
There is a filter icon above the first item to allow you to filter the list of items on the order to show all items or only items that are being ordered today by the customer
Barcode scan an item
By pressing the barcode button the camera will be enabled which can be used to scan the barcode of an item
Once you have completed the order you should press the Completed button. This will take you to the ORDER SUMMARY screen.
If you use the Return button you will be returned to the CUSTOMER ACTIVITIES menu and your order will not be saved
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