Once you have completed an order the ORDER SUMMARY screen is displayed
Review an Order
Tapping on the Green bar that displays the quantities for each transaction type displays a summary of what the customer is ordering
Adjusting Order Price
If this is enabled in your configuration use should Review the Order and change the price on that screen. Select the Adjust button to save the changed prices
Collecting Payment
You can collect payment from the customer for this order and for historical transactions or balances. Tapping on the icon to the right of the will pop up a COLLECTION DETAIL screen to allow you to select invoices to pay. Payment options are Cash or Cheque. If it is enabled in your system then payment can also be made by credit card
Name and Signature
If there is an * beside these fields they are mandatory
Fulfilment By
If enabled in your system there may be an option to select a fulfilment option. By default we create a sales order to be fulfilled from your warehouse. The order may also be fulfilled from your vehicle (in which case we create an invoice and not a sales order) or by a distributor. If this is to be a turn-in distributor order then you need to select the distributor
Delivery Date
Select the delivery date for the order. If you are fulfilling the order from your vehicle then this date is set to be today
Order notes can be added to the order
There are 2, or potentially 3, action buttons at the bottom of the screen
Return to Order
This will return you to the ORDER screen so that you can change the order
If this is enabled in your system you can print the order to a Zebra printer
This will confirm the order and return you to the CUSTOMER ACTIVITIES menu
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