DSD Assist supports MYOB AccountRight Live using the MYOB API for data integration. It is possible to integrate with MYOB AccountRight on premiss but that is not our preferred option.
The AccountRight API supports all versions of AccountRight, for both NZ and AU as well as AccountRight Basics, Standard, Plus and Premier.
Establishing the Connection between DSD Assist and your MYOB
We will need to know your MYOB Company Name so that
we can generate the access keys for you to use.
We will load them into the integration settings in the DSD Assist Portal
We will then ask you to establish the connection between DSD and MYOB. During this you will need to sign into MYOB and approve the connection between DSD and MYOB.
Once the connection has been established the green
Connected status button will be displayed.
If you wish to disconnect you can press that button.
Data Setup in MYOB
We can use the CARD ID field in MYOB as our customer number. If you wish to do this it needs to be less than 9 characters long and needs to be numeric. This is controlled using the Integration variable UseCustomerCardID.
We will use the MYOB Item Number as our Item Number. In our system this needs to be a maximum of 15 characters long and can be alphabetic.
We can map the Customer and Item Custom Fields / Lists to fields in our database. These fields might contain brand or product group information to classify products for the sales reps for example. You will need to your with DSD who will help you set up the mapping of these products.
Configuring Integration for DSD Delivery
This article covers the specific Integration variables that relate to DSD Delivery and extracting the correct deliveries for the drivers
Configuring Integration for DSD Salesforce and DSD SmartOrder
This article covers the specific Integration variables that relate to DSD Salesforce and DSD SmartOrder