DSD Salesforce Distribution Check

DSD Salesforce Distribution Check

The Distribution Check allows you to record the shelf check of your items at the customer.  Any distribution check data previously collected for the customer is displayed to allow you to update the shelf distribution.  If no distribution has previously been collected then the list of items displayed is the items that have previously been purchased by the customer in the past 6 visits

Sorting the item list

The product range can be sorted by Category, Aisle or On Shelf to help you perform the distribution check efficiently by tapping on the heading in the grey bar


This lets you record the Aisle or location the item is located in the store to help you find the item again next time you visit

On Shelf

Lets you indicate whether the item is currently on the shelf

Shelf and Expiry

If the On Shelf is set to yes then you can enter an on-shelf quantity.  You can also record the oldest batch, expiry or lot number on the shelf

As you update the distribution details for the store the store rating is updated on the right side of the screen

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