DSD Salesforce Pre Visit Planning

DSD Salesforce Pre Visit Planning

When you select a customer in DSD Salesforce various details are displayed about the customer to assist you with your visit planning.  On the right hand side of the screen you can review the customer before you begin your call

Across the top of the screen are 5 tabs to display Details, Pricing, Top Products, Opportunities and Nearby


Customer details are shown.  You can view the location on a map and view a picture of the store if needed.  The orange and green boxes are customisable to allow relevant information for you to be displayed.  In the bottom right corner the notes icon allows you to create and view notes for the customer.  If the icon is orange it means that there are messages for the customer


The pricing for this customer is displayed.  Any product with special pricing is displayed in orange.  The filter icon allows you to filter the item list by base price or special price

Top Products

Based on order history this tab shows the top five items that has been purchased by this customer, together with the order history and last order date


To help you find upsell opportunities this tab shows the top 5 items purchased by similar customers that are not being purchased by this customer.  You can filter this by customer type and post code to refine this algorithm further


To help you find new customer the Nearby function uses the internet to find other potential customers near to your current location that you could visit and prospect 

There are three action buttons form this screen

End Trip

You should use this button once per day at the end of your day.  This closes off your day and asks you to account for any customers scheduled for a visit but not visited

No Visit Required

If the customer does not require a visit, or you do not have time to make the visit use this button.  You will be asked to select reason for the non-visit.  You can still enter post visit notes

Visit Customer

Use this customer to visit the customer.  There are a variety of activities you can perform with the customer and this button allows you to access these activities

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