On occasions the driver may need to review or reprint an invoice or delivery docket they have generated during the day. There are two ways that a document can be reprinted
Before Leaving the Customer
In DSD Van Sales and in DSD Delivery (depending on the configuration used) after completing a sale or delivery you are returned to the IN STORE ACTIVITIES menu. Alongside Make Sales or Make Delivery will be a PDF icon
Selecting the PDF Icon will display a menu allowing you to Reprint the invoice or delivery docket
After Leaving the Customer
When you are in the SELECT CUSTOMER screen you can use the drop down menu icon in the top right corner of the screen (the 3 horizontal lines) then Reprint Documents
All customers visited today will be displayed with an EYE icon and a PDF icon (if your system have been configured to print). The EYE icon will display the document, while the PDF icon will print the document