DSD Salesforce Visit Plan

DSD Salesforce Visit Plan

Within DSD Salesforce the customers you are scheduled to visit today are displayed on the left side of the SELECT CUSTOMER screen.  

There are several ways that a customer is added to this list

Route Schedule

If there is a visit plan established for you in the ERP system then the visit plan will be downloaded to your tablet and displayed on the left hand side of the screen


You can manually add future appointments to your visit plan and they will appear in your customer list on the day you have set them.  To add an appointment then select the orange menu icon in the top right corner and select VISIT PLAN.  From there you can add an appointment for any day in the next week

Search for a customer

You can search for a customer using the find function in the grey section at top left of the screen.  There are various search criteria like customer name, postcode and the like.  The search will return all customers that match the search criteria you have entered.  You can then add a customer individually or add all customers returned by the search.  That means you can quickly search by suburb and add all customers in that suburb to your visit plan for the day

Customer Icons

At the bottom of the customer list are three icons if they have been enabled in your configuration

This icon allows you to add a new customer or prospect.  Depending on your integration this will be updated into your ERP system

This icon will optimise the visit plan so that your time is efficiently used

This icon will display your visits on a map so that you have a sense of where you will be visiting during the day

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