Selecting Deliver to Store will begin the delivery process to the customer.
A warning message will appear if your device GPS believes that you are not close enough to the store. You can press Return to Return to select another customer if you have selected the wrong customer or Confirm to continue to make the delivery to the customer.
If there is more than one order for the customer you will be asked to select which order you wish to deliver. Once delivered you will be asked if you wish to deliver further orders to the customer, or hold them on your truck for delivery later in the day
The first screen displayed is the Delivery Notes screen. This provides you details of the order you are about to deliver.
Select Deliver to continue the delivery to the customer. This will display the items that need to be delivered.
If there have been any picking errors, or truck damage, you can select the item, enter the new quantity and then press Deliver to update the quantity being delivered. You can add items to the order (assuming you have the inventory on the truck) using the Tree, barcode or find items at the bottom of the screen.
Once the delivery is correct select the Completed button. This will display the Summary screen. There are many options on this screen depending on how your system has been configured
Total Quantity shows the Quantity of items that have been delivered
Total Value shows the value of the items being delivered. This, and the payment method, might be disabled depending on your system configuration or the customer profile
Full Payment by allows you to select the method of payment by the customer. This is mandatory for a COD customer
Receiver Name is for you to enter the name of the person who received the order. If this is required in your configuration it will be shown in green
Signature allows the customer to sign for the delivery. If this is required in your configuration it will be shown in green
Delivery Temperature is required in some configurations, and hidden for customers who do not have temperature controlled items
You can use the camera icon at the bottom of the screen to take a photograph of the goods as a further proof of delivery if you wish
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